In the last 30 days, the highest recorded price of XVG coin was $0.0049, and in the last 90 days, it was $0.0081. Verge may have gone dipping in the last few months, but it continues to be one of the high profits generating cryptos in the current times. Hence, the popularity of this coin continues to remain at the top. The current market performance of XVG coin may change in the next few days. Check out the Price predictions of Verge to know more about the future market of the XVG coin.
Verge Price Analysis:
As on September 29, 2019, at 07:35:47 UTC, XVG price is noted to be $0.003235, and it is moving in the downward direction. In the last 30 days, Verge has recorded a dip of over 28% slump from $0.004532 to its current value. XVG price surged as high as $0.004797 towards the mid-month but came falling up to $0.002983 soon after. It has recovered a little since then but is moving sluggishly still.
The highest recorded price of Verge yesterday was $0.003542 and the lowest was $0.003223. Currently, the coin is closer to the lower end. This is a good time the traders as Verge price is currently trading at the lower end and hence bulk investments are possible. The coin is recording over >9000% ROI, and hence, even the slightest investment may lead to huge benefits. XVG can be expected to cross its 90-day high $0.0081 target by the year-end.
This is the perfect time to plan investment in the Verge for huge benefits in the long-term as well as short-term.