Scroll announces the Bernoulli upgrade

Scroll announces the Bernoulli upgrade Scroll announces the Bernoulli upgrade

The new update has the potential to drastically lower transaction costs, depending on L1 gas pricing. Scroll’s flagship products are data blobs intended for data, and SHA2 precompile. EIP 4844 is a unique feature of the Bernoulli update that reduces rollup data availability charges. 

The new upgrade’s main draw is a new concept known as ”blob,” which is an unconventional alternative to traditional call data. A fee market is another outgrowth of the Bernoulli upgrade that may be distinguished from gas. Bernoulli’s forthcoming version will include the freshly launched feature ‘Ethereum’.

The amazing attraction of the new Ethereum feature is that it permits transaction data to be stored in blobs. The newly introduced feature of Ethereum greatly reduces gas costs for data availability. SHA2-256 is a prominent precompiled contract supported by EVM that provides effective cryptography processing and is an absolute must for safe data handling. The SHA2-256 will get support on Scroll beginning with the new upgrade of Bernoulli, which provides boundless opportunities for decentralized applications.

Modules will be operational at Contract, Node, and Circuit once the upgrade is completed. There are some significant modifications to the contract, including ScrollChain’s acceptance of blob encoding in commitBatch. On April 22, 2024, the release of a new l2geth will require node operators to upgrade their nodes prior to the Bernoulli fork block. 


Once the new l2geth release is available, node operators can enable the SHA2-256 precompile and update the verifier module to align with the ambitious product release. v0.10.3 is the most recent version of the zkEVM circuit, and it confirms that the blob data is consistent with the batch.

ZKEVM executed a SHA2 subcircuit, and its parallel formation resulted in speedy proving times. OpenZepplin audited the contract changes, and Trail of Bits audited the circuit changes. 

Once the final report is available, Scroll will release the audit reports and conduct intensive external testing in the final weeks before the upgrade. The upgrade proposition was initiated via the Scroll-executed contract on April 15, 2024. The Scroll team shall be responsible for carrying out the contract upgrade on the Scroll Mainnet.

The upgrade process comprises upgrading the L1 Scroll Multisig Address, L1 Timelock address, and L1 upgrade proposal transaction. The latest upgrade is fully compatible with sequencer nodes, follower nodes, dapps, and indexers. 


The recent upgrade added a precompiled SHA2-256 contract, and operators running on 12geth will be required to upgrade before the recent hard fork upgrade. The hard fork upgrade is backward compatible from the perspective of decentralized apps. Another major difference is that the upgrade modifies the format in which Scroll publishes data to Ethereum. Scroll’s creative team is working on new upgrades and features to help Scroll zkEVM reach its full potential. They are launching a proposal to support EIP 1559, improving the predictability of L2 gas.