Pro Gamer DAO and Avocado DAO finally joined up in the League of Kingdoms in a mutually beneficial way. It indeed has been a real uphill task. Still, the aspiration of a desire was great enough to surpass all obstacles and meet all necessary criteria and expectations where the League of Kingdoms was concerned.
This collaboration will undoubtedly push them to attain further popularity and respect in the online gaming world. They will have outgrown the stamp of mediocrity to a position of high standards set. Pro Gamer DAO and Avocado DAO will now be in a position and status to assist and encourage new entrants into the gaming arena and help create a robust game ecosystem.
Where Pro Gamer DAO is concerned, it is a user-friendly, aggressively competitive, society-oriented platform. It caters to and is involved with experienced and expert gamers who partake in activities of positive research with an eye on building gamers’ capabilities and performance.
This is also achieved through constant interaction with the other professionals in the community. Avocado DAO, on the other hand, is a Web3-gaming body. It helps to encourage and show the way to connect with GameFi, thus helping users build on the many options that open up.
In the case of the League of Kingdoms, it is a much thought out, planned, and executed game. It encourages multiple players to participate and brings a more endearing and exciting touch. In this scenario, a gamer gets the feeling of a king, setting up a kingdom for himself, along with the addition of his army, all for creating partnerships with others or competing amongst themselves, and ultimately the trading of their digital assets, all through the blockchain.
According to Jimmy, who is part of the core team at Pro Gamer DAO and also goes by the alias Gamefi Degen, till now, It had been practically unheard of to have two DAOs on board one game to function simultaneously, thus proving beyond doubt that The DAOs in question, do not step on each other’s toes but can work together, seamlessly and in harmony with each other, for the overall benefit of all gamers involved. It would, therefore, not be amiss to say that the gaming world as we know it now will no longer remain the same, and the change will be all for the better.