Naver and Line Introduce NFT Platform for K-Pop Enthusiasts

Naver and Line Introduce NFT Platform for K-Pop Enthusiasts Naver and Line Introduce NFT Platform for K-Pop Enthusiasts

Naver Corp, which is based out of South Korea and falls into the bracket of being a prominent internet bigwig, is extremely excited and enthusiastic about their launching of the non-fungible token (NFT) platform, NOW.

Drops with LINE NEXT. This announcement was made on Wednesday. The coming of this platform will allow all K-pop fans to be in a situation where they can experiment and create their own customized NFT.  

As a matter of fact, NOW.Drops will provide the opportunity to all users to play with unused and unexplored non-fungible tokens (NFTs) of their desires and incorporate them. This would be from the live audio and video streaming service, which caters to eminent artists or otherwise based out of South Korea.

Users will be required to buy crystals to gain and attain all of this. Other NFTs on this platform can also be bought as a further benefit. The entire exercise behind this prestigious launch was to offer all users and K-pop fans an out-of-this-world experience.