Mean DAO announced that they had secured $3.5 million in a critical round out of some outstanding entrepreneurs and developers. Mean DAO has been focusing on this for quite some time, and they are overjoyed to eventually share it with the rest of the world.
Global cryptocurrency consumers are increasing at an exponential rate, but there is still a lot for the typical consumer to understand. MeanFi investment will overcome this knowledge gap and enable users to benefit from decentralised finance. MeanFi has been steadily growing, and Three Arrows Capital is thrilled with their staff and products.
The fresh funds will assist Mean DAO in extending their Money Streaming activities and collaborations throughout Solana and onto a multi-chain era.
Mean DAO set out from the start to establish the link between TradFi and DeFi in order to bring the next 1 billion consumers into the blockchain. They have developed methods to make assets more fluid, capital-efficient, and configurable as part of this quest.
With the tactical backing of the most influential shareholders in crypto, Three Arrows and DeFiance, as well as one of the biggest funds in traditional finance, SoftBank’s SB Opportunity Fund, they’ll be able to speed Mean DAO vision for the community and the entire ecosystem.
Mean DAO first introduced Mean Protocol as a body of rules and compatible smart contracts to assist app developers in facilitating daily banking operations on their networks and web3 applications. With an unrivalled degree of automation in DeFi, their Money Streaming and DCA programmes drive the majority of the wealth that travels via the Mean Protocol.
Because of Mean Protocol, it is now feasible to receive income as a Money Stream, which generates interest-yielding revenue.
Any initiative, organisation, or service can employ on-chain smart contracts to boost application and protocol compatibility and build good, more liquid, and capital-efficient economic systems for their consumers.