Litecoin (LTC), Binance Coin (BNB), & Stellar (XLM) Price Indicate Slight Recovery

Litecoin, Binance Coin, Stellar Litecoin, Binance Coin, Stellar

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Litecoin (LTC/USD) Price Analysis:

Today, Litecoin opened at $73. The currency marked $4,642,867,397 as of the Market Cap. The coin has a high prospect of improvement in the coming time. The investment in the coin would go futile. The week-long Litecoin price chart is indicating a heavy drop, but alongside, there is also a slight hope of recovery. Let’s have a look at the chart.

LTC Price Chart
LTC Price Chart

Starting from 16th August, the LTC price slipped from $76.404 to $74.844 by 2.04%. On 17th August, the Litecoin continued the drop from $74.844 to $72.838 by 1.83%. On 18th August, the coin price shifted from $72.838 to $76.404 by 4.90%. On 19th August, Litecoin price escalated from $76.404 to $77.426 by 2.22%. On 20th August, the LTC coin slipped from $77.426 to $75.364 by 2.66%. On 21st August, the Litecoin slipped from $75.364 to $73.488 by 2.49%. The coin is currently dealing at $73.371.


The future of the Litecoin is speculated to be great. Litecoin would offer colossal profit to the long-term traders.

Binance Coin (BNB/USD) Price Analysis:

Binance Coin is dealing at $26.93 on 22nd August 2019. The Market Cap is noted as $4,206,073,698. There is a visible fall in BNB coin price on the weekly chart. Take a look at the Binance Coin price chart.

BNB Price Chart
BNB Price Chart

Above chart is reflecting a heavy fall in the BNB coin price. Starting from 16th August, the coin opened with a drop from $28.101 to $27.443 by 2.34%. On 17th August, the Binance Coin shifted from $27.44 to $27.58 by 0.52%. On 18th August, BNB coin price shifted from $27.58 to $27.87 by 1.04%. On 19th August, the coin escalated from $27.87 to $28.83 by 3.43%. On 20th August, Binance Coin price slipped from $28.83 to $28.03 by 2.76%. On 21st August, the coin slipped from $28.03 to $27.18 by 3%.

The coin is speculated to rise in some time. We would recommend digging in for a long-term plan.

Stellar (XLM/USD) Price Analysis:

Stellar (XLM) holds a high prospect of upsurge. The weekly XLM price chart is indicating a heavy price drop. Let’s have a look at the chart.

XLM Price Chart
XLM Price Chart


On 16th August, the XLM coin slipped from $0.07066 to $0.06868 by 2.80%. On 17th August, the coin slipped from $0.06868 to $0.06780 by 1.27%. On 18th August, the coin jumped from $0.06780 to $0.07076 by 4.36%. On 19th August, the coin escalated from $0.07076 to $0.07233 by 2.22%. On 20th August, the coin opened with a drop from $0.07233 to $0.06871 by 5.03%. On 21st August, the drop continued from $0.06871 to $0.06579 by 4.24%.  The coin has shown its remarkable potential in the past. We believe, it will regain its momentum soon and start the price rally. Till then, the traders are recommended to stay put.