JustSwap Testnet to Go Live Tonight

JustSwap Testnet to Go Live Tonight JustSwap Testnet to Go Live Tonight

The first token exchange protocol on the TRON Network, JustSwap has announced that its testnet will go live tonight. The once launched JustSwap will allow TRON users to become liquidity providers to earn trading fees and mining rewards.

JustSwap is focused on providing the highest liquidity options to the users and is dedicated to offering a quick, convenient, and secure execution. It aims to encourage users in the community to participate in an open financial marketplace and help them get paid with zero commission. JustSwap has also officially recommended TRON Network’s TronLink Wallet to its users.


JUST network is one of the fastest-growing decentralized finance, or DeFi focused platforms established on the TRON Network. It aims to build an independent decentralized financial ecosystem, which can be a potent alternative to the traditional financial system. The network allows the holders of the JST token to participate in the governance of the USD Just (USDJ) stablecoin currency system, to achieve the aim of a decentralized economy.


TRON co-founder and CEO Justin Sun praised the JustSwap Testnet and tweeted, saying that it looked amazing to him.