Fans of the beloved manga and anime series “FAIRY TAIL” have reason to celebrate as Animoca Brands Japan, a leading digital entertainment company, and Quidd, a digital collectibles platform, have announced their collaboration to release digital collectibles featuring characters from the “FAIRY TAIL” series. Set to launch on May 24, this partnership promises to bring the magic of “FAIRY TAIL” to fans worldwide in a new and exciting digital format.
“FAIRY TAIL,” created by Hiro Mashima, has captivated audiences with its enchanting storylines, memorable characters, and breathtaking adventures since its debut in 2006. The manga series follows the exploits of Natsu Dragneel and his friends in the Fairy Tail guild as they embark on epic quests, battle formidable foes, and forge unbreakable bonds of friendship.
There will be 29 characters on the first official “FAIRY TAIL” digital collection cards, including Natsu, Lucy, and Happy. Under the direction of Hiro Mashima, significant sequences from the series were carefully chosen and turned into art cards, available in various rarities.
One of the most important cultural icons of Japan is the manga genre. By releasing the “FAIRY TAIL” digital collection cards on Quidd, Animoca Brands Japan is providing manga lovers with a brand-new collectibles experience worldwide.
Now, fans will have the opportunity to collect and trade digital versions of their favorite “FAIRY TAIL” characters, moments, and artifacts on Quidd’s platform. From iconic characters like Natsu, Lucy, and Happy to legendary guilds, magical spells, and mystical creatures, the digital collectibles will offer fans a chance to immerse themselves in the rich and vibrant world of “FAIRY TAIL” like never before.
The collaboration between Animoca Brands Japan and Quidd represents a convergence of cutting-edge technology and beloved intellectual property, creating a unique and interactive experience for fans of “FAIRY TAIL.” Through Quidd’s innovative platform, users can collect, trade, and showcase their digital collectibles, connecting with fellow fans and building their “FAIRY TAIL” collections in a dynamic virtual environment.
For Animoca Brands Japan, the partnership with Quidd represents an opportunity to expand the reach of “FAIRY TAIL” and engage with fans in new and innovative ways. By leveraging Quidd’s expertise in digital collectibles and community engagement, Animoca Brands Japan aims to create a compelling and immersive experience that resonates with fans of the beloved manga series.
Similarly, Quidd sees the collaboration as a testament to the platform’s growing influence in the digital collectibles space and its commitment to partnering with leading brands to deliver unique and authentic collectibles experiences to fans worldwide. Adding “FAIRY TAIL” to Quidd’s roster of digital collectibles further solidifies its position as a premier destination for pop culture and entertainment fans.
As the release date of May 24 approaches, anticipation is building among fans eager to get their hands on the digital collectibles featuring their favorite “FAIRY TAIL” characters and moments. Whether they’re looking to complete their collections, trade with fellow fans, or simply relive their favorite moments from the series, the launch of “FAIRY TAIL” digital collectibles on Quidd promises an unforgettable experience for fans of all ages.