EOS-Based Unlimited Tower Will Start Alpha Testing this Month


Many industries adopted crypto technology to boost its adaptability and profits. The gaming industry is one of them. One popular EOS based TRPG (Tactical Role Playing Game) named Unlimited Tower has announced on Friday that would start alpha testing in this month.

The game creators posted on Twitter saying:


The post has mentioned that all those gamers who are interested in possessing the new dApp have to fill the alpha sign-up form. Once the form is filled, and the player accepts all the terms and conditions, the team will invite them to create an account and start the process of alpha testing. Alpha testing is the initial step taken to check the acceptance of the game. This testing will scan for issues or flaws in the program if any. It is carried out in a lab/controlled environment. The test encourages users/gamers to perform tasks which are most likely to get performed by the players while playing.

As Unlimited Tower is a Tactical Role-Playing Game, it enables players/gamers to create and improve a party which would have unique monsters and servants too. Players are supposed to move ahead in the game by boosting the party (which they have created). Players can do it by increasing products and characters. This will take them to the final stage where they have a chance to be the “final hero,” which is awarded prizes from EOS.


At present, there are 200 Servants, Monsters, and Items in the game which users will be able to use at launch, along with many exclusive items for early-supporters of the game. All these components of the game are made available to the players with the help of a “gacha” technology. Gacha is nothing but a virtual vending machine which pays out 500 to 3,000 UTG tokens; on a random basis.