Electra Was Getting Traded at a Lower Volume of $37,635.00 (ECA)

Electra Was Getting Traded at a Lower Value of $37,635.00 (ECA) Electra Was Getting Traded at a Lower Value of $37,635.00 (ECA)

Electra (ECA) was available in the market for trading but at a lower value. It was down by 2.8%, which was considering the value of the US dollar during the period of one day. The day ending at 3:00 AM ET on February 3rd. Around seven days ago, Electra was getting traded at the value 7.6% lower against the US dollar.

The market capitalization of Electra was $8.86 million, and in total $37,635.00 worth of Electra coins were getting traded on various exchanges in the past one day. One token of Electra can be purchased on the related crypto exchanges at $0.0003 or 0.00000008 BTC. These exchanges include names like CoinFalcon, CoinBene, along with other exchanges like Cryptohub and Novaexchange.

Here’s how the following cryptocurrencies have performed on the last day:


Currencies like SpaceChain (SPC), Denarius (D), Powercoin (PWR) are getting traded on exchanges at a lower value. The reduction in the trading price is 0.7%, 0.3%, and 22.2% respectively. Their trading value in the market (put against the US dollar) is $0.0052 or 0.00000135 BTC, $158.40 or 0.03821098 BTC, and $0.0001 or 0.00000001 BTC respectively.

Apart from these currencies, other cryptocurrencies in the market like Bulwark (BWK) was possessing higher value. This currency was getting traded at an increased rate of 10.6%. This increase in its value is against the US dollar. This currency is getting traded in the market at $0.0628 or 0.00001630 BTC.

There were some coins which were getting traded at a flat rate. VIP Tokens (VIP), Virta Unique Coin (VUC) and NamoCoin (NAMO) were getting traded at a flat rate against the US dollar. Their values as compared to the USD and BTC were $0.0006 or 0.00000007 BTC, $0.0001 or 0.00000002 BTC and $0.0001 or 0.00000001 BTC, respectively.

Electra (ECA) is a PoW/PoS currency which runs on the NIST5 hashing algorithm. ECA was first made available for trading on March 30th, 2017. Its total supply in the market is 29,306,122,602 coins; on the other hand, its circulating supply is 28,438,966,049 tokens.


Similar to many other PoW/PoS altcoins in the market, this currency is not made available for purchase against the fiat currency. One will have to hold cryptos like Ethereum or Bitcoin to be able to purchase in ECA.