The mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto drafted the Bitcoin White Paper. It laid down the working mechanism of the digital token to act as a currency. The document never made it to the public following the surprised disappearance of Satoshi from the internet until it was later found in the Apple Computers by a tech blogger, Andy Baio.
Bitcoin White Paper has, since then, gone viral among users.
If reports are to be believed, then Apple could soon remove it from the final version of its next macOS update. Per the reports, Bitcoin White Paper does not exist in the beta version of macOS Ventura 13.4, and it is unexpected to appear in the final version.
Andy interacted with the media to clarify that the word ticket had been assigned to the person who put the paper in the software.
The founding document is titled Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. It has gone viral since Andy discovered the paper in early April. It has not even been a month, and Apple has decided to take stern action. This does not surprise Apple users; however, those who believed the theory that Steve Jobs was Satoshi Nakamoto have now seen their beliefs shattered into pieces.
The theory was born when Satoshi disappeared from the internet in 2010, a year before Steve Jobs died. Many assumed his involvement in bringing Bitcoin out to the public.
The theory has also gone down the drain because it was found in Apple Computers only in recent times, much after the death of Jobs. He could not have put the Bitcoin White Document in Apple Computers himself.
Andy’s words shed a different tone. He asks why the document was in Apple Computers, wondering if the company is secretly working on Bitcoin Maxi. The tech blogger added that it was probably a lightweight multi-page pdf that was never meant to be seen by the end users.
BTC has bounced to $28,950.90, almost a jump of 80% since the beginning of 2023. Bitcoin predictions have drawn a roadmap stating that it is likely to reach $59,000 by the end of 2023. That prediction remains to be seen amid the volatility in the crypto market. But, holders are optimistic that prices will rise further.
What fuels this belief is that the Federal Bank is not expected to take an aggressive stand on raising the rate soon. Plus, the collapse of SVB has made people look for an alternative to the traditional banking infrastructure to keep their funds safe.
Apple has clarified that the next macOS update will not feature the Bitcoin White Paper. The lightweight pdf may have made its way to the community, but the relevance and reliability of same are still under question.