From April 2017, when the concept of project of TON (Telegram Open Network) was first built, the journey up till now has been quite interesting. In the same year, developments such as platform development, token model approval, platform testing, and testing of the platform’s native token- ‘Gram’ took place. The next year, Telegram Open Network, an update of Telegram’s app, users’ access to the network, smart contract Bots were implemented. Recently, the company also announced an Initial Coin Offering of its native token, but it has got cancelled too. The company has requested all the users not to send any ETH or BTC. And for those users, who have already sent their cryptos, are promised a refund. According to the company’s official website, 98.69 percent of the refund has already been made.
The native token- Gram:
The company is planning to launch its own cryptocurrency called- ‘Gram.’ It is anticipated that this crypto has the potential to give a stiff competition to established cryptos such as Ethereum ETH. The company Telegram is putting out waves of strong competition for messaging applications such as Facebook, WhatsApp and so on, and it is also raising the bar for payment platforms such as Mastercard, Visa, and PayPal.
The potential and the worth:
Telegram is trying to build a niche for itself by creating a unique blend of services through its blockchain technology-based platform as well as with its native crypto token ‘Gram.’ As per the market analysts and experts in the crypto field, the expectations from Gram are quite high. It is anticipated that the token has the potential to generate around 4 Billion U.S. Dollars in revenue in the next three years. On the other hand, some experts think that the crypto token can reign with an impressive market capitalization that can be worth 30 Billion U.S. Dollars within the first year of its launch. If we tab on our calculative sides, we will see that these predictions are promising a hefty return of more than 1K percent for those who invested early into the token and the company.
The possible downside:
Although the token has high potential, yet there are a few issues that can bog it down. Looking at the past, the company’s founders would need to harmonize their relationship with the regulators; else there are chances of the services to tangle up when it comes to getting approval from high-level government regulations. Failure to do so can also result in migration of the strong user base to other platforms.